
Please follow me on my daily journey on the South Beach Diet and working out with Jillian Micheals' workout videos.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

First Week Summary

Ok guys! This is how my first week played out.
The food is different for sure but overall it's pretty good.  It does take alot of effort and time to prepare all the meals which can get pretty hard with the 3 kids.  In fact I almost burnt dinner twice this week.  I have just about mastered the "Surprise Potatoes", and getting the hang of what to eat and what not to.
However, I will admit that I did fail to sticking to it by Friday.  I caved and had pizza that the boss brought in with a coke, and then I had donuts on Saturday.  I can say though that I felt awful afterward.  Not necessarily because of the guilt, but I actually physically felt bad.  I felt bloated and sick at my stomach. 
I can honestly say overall felt better while I was eating like I was supposed to.  It made me physically feel better.  I had more energy, I felt slimmer, and overall just felt good about myself.  In fact I lost 2 pounds this week despite all the obstacles and frustrations of working out along with it.  So I just proved to myself this week that I can do this, it does make me feel better, and if I just add the exercise with it I can boost the results I'll get.  So I'm going to continue to stick to it.  In fact, I'm gonna make sure everyone including the kids sticks to it.  That way we all will cut down on the sugar. 
I read somewhere and of course my mom has been telling me for years that you can control the hyperactivity in children through their diet, so I'm going to try this experiment on them as well to see what happens with them.  I'll try to keep you posted on how it effects them as well.
I have realized this past week that it is really hard to post something every day, so I'm going to try to post something at least 2-3 times a week. 
I can't wait to see what happens next week!
Until then,

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Ok, how come is it when you have your mind made up to do something all this obstacles get in the way for you to be able to reach your goal?
I understand why some people bail on keeping a journal, because it is just so hard to remember to write everything down throughout the day.  I have been slammed at work that I totally forget about it or just don't have the time.  Then when I get home the kids want me to do stuff with them.  So I'm gonna try to put all my thoughts down from the last couple of days so I can get caught up on here.
So I went to the doctor to discover that not only am I fat I'm practically considered obese since my BMI is 30.  I am completely out of shape and lazy due to having a sedetary job, and I can't even make it the whole 20-25 minutes of one of Jillian's videos.  And lastly, this diet is way hard the first 2 weeks, because I realized in the last 3 days that everything I normally eat is all on the "Foods to Avoid" List.
I have continued to persevere on the healthy eating part of this journey, but I keep having set backs to the physical side.  I so need more gumption when it comes to that part of this journey.

Ate well again yesterday.  I had some more of the Candian Bacon Cups my hubby cooked on Monday for breakfast.  Celery and Hummus for a mid morning snack.  A Grilled Chicken Ceasar Salad for lunch, which was from McDonald's by the way.  Yes you can have McDonald's to an extent on the diet.  Surprise!  There is a fast food dine out guide on the South Beach Diet.
I had mixed nuts, but mainly ate the cashews for a mid afternoon snack, and lastly I had some wonderful dinner that my husband prepared.  He cooked Sauteed Chicken and Steamed Green Beans with a "Peanut Butter Cup" for dessert.  Amazing by the way! Who would have thought that a sugar free fudgesicle, peanut butter, and some sugar free non fat cool whip mixed together could be so delicious and actually taste like a peanut butter cup?
Well should be caught up to today now.  I'll share more tonite about what happened today.
Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Have you ever really noticed that when you are on a diet or a lifestyle change that it feels like the world is out to get you?  That's the way I felt yesterday on day 2.  Starting with one of my favorite candies offered to me as soon as I got to work, then by people at work ordering one of my favorite types of pizza for lunch.
I was just like "you're killing me people"!  However with great determination I succeeded in eating my salad, which was really good by the way, and keeping my head held high.
I went to the doctor yesterday to get the results of my physical last month.  I'll just tell you I wasn't very happy with what I saw on the scale.  I had only lost like 2 lbs.  I went from like 183 point something to 181.7.  According to the scale my BMI was still 31 of course because I hadn't lost anything significant.
Overall all my blood work came back fine, blood pressure was fine, but she had forgotten to take my cholestrol levels.  Well this time last year it was like 588 for triglycirides and over 200 for the overall.
Hence the reason for the lifestyle change.
Well I get home and the kids are as usual calm for Nonna, but when she walks out the door all hell breaks loose.  They go absolutely wild.  Why is it your children are always perfect angels for the grandparents, school, daycare, babysitter, well everyone except you.  That is so mind boggling to me.
Therefore the third sabatoge for the day.  They don't want what I'm trying to cook, so I have to make them chicken nuggets and fries.  Do you know how many times I picked up a fry to put in my mouth while cooking them?  I thought dang this diet is going to be really hard when I had dip them ice cream for dessert.  I guess I didn't have to give them that, but hey I'm a mom and I gave in, ok.   Just to let you know I did persevere though!  I didn't take one bite of anything I was tempted with all day long.
However I almost burned my and my husband's dinner, which was London Broil, Surpise potatoes again, and a sauted mushroom and spinach side.  It actually all turned out to be really good to my surprise.
I then treated myself to a sugar free fudgesicle.
Fitness side didn't turn out well again today.  Dang I'm out of shape.
I have purchased a pleathora of work out videos including 3 from Jillian Micheals.  They are 30 Day Shred, Yoga Melt Down, and 6 week abs.  Well I made it thru 5 minutes of the 30 Day Shred & 7 minutes of the Yoga Melt Down.  Not Good!
Time to go to work will share more later at lunch!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Officially Day 1

Ok Day 1 wasn't an absolute failure.  Since I was up all night last nite I didn't want to get up this morning, so therefore the whole physical exercise got put off.  So i fail Jillian this morning miserably!  Too bad she wasn't in my face telling me to get up.  That probably would have worked.
However the hubby got up and made me breakfast, midmorning snack, and lunch for me today.  In return I made dinner. Today's food really wasn't that bad.  For breakfast we had some canadian bacon/egg cups.  The snacks today consisted of turkey roll ups and mixed nuts. Lunch was a nasty tasting salad that I will never try again.  It was like eating dirt.  I had to force down what I did eat which was only 4 bites.
I made  Broiled Sirloin, Broiled Tomatoes, Surprise Potatoes, (btw the surprise is that its califlower not actually potatoes), Steamed Broccli, and Vanilla Ricotta Creme for dessert.
All in all the day was pretty good except for the lack of motivation and time to exercise this morning.
Tomorrow is a new day right?
Going to bed now, See you all tomorrow!

Beginning Thoughts

To be able to journal publically about my quest to get healthy is something new for me.  Usually when I say I'm "going into training" as my daddy calls it, I fail miserably.  However, when you get winded and have to sit down after playing tag with your kids for 5-10 minutes is sad.  It was a total wake up call for me.
I know there are a lot of other busy moms out there like me that had a baby and can't seem to shake all the baby weight you gained.  You feel like its a catch 22 when you even try.  You are too tired to drag your butt out of bed in the morning to just get ready for work must less get up an hour earlier to workout.
I have set my clock the last 3 weeks a hour earlier, and like clock work I hit snooze until it is actually the real time to get up to shower.  They say that exercise is a cure for fatigue, but is there any of "them" busy working moms that don't get a lot of sleep at night. 
Do they have the kids that wake up every few hours or have to nurse babies?  Or the kids that insist you lay down in there toddler bed (not easy I may say especially when you are overweight) with them until they go to sleep? Which by the way when you struggle to actually do that and get in the bed, 9 times out of 10 you fall asleep before the little munchkin goes to sleep.  Oh yea not to mention your whole body is asleep and aching and you can't get out of the little bed without waking up your child, because they are laying across you and it hurts to move.  I jumped for joy this Christmas when the kids got bunk beds.  Believe me a twin bed is really alot more comfortable than you thought after the whole toddler bed experience.
So I'm determined now, after being pregnant almost 3 years in a row and not being able to play with the kids without getting winded, to get healthy not only for me but for them.  It's not fair to any child to have a parent not being able to actively play with them.  I have caught myself telling the kids will go do something like go to the park, and then later make excuses because I'm to tired or just want to get off my butt.
However it's nights like tonight that I can't sleep and stay up till almost time to get up, and then when I get home from work and finally get to hit the couch I don't want to get up for anything.  I feel so lazy.
So I want to change that starting first thing in the morning.  Well in the next few hours.
I will post what I eat on the South Beach and what workout videos I use each day.
Wish me good luck, and I'll talk to you tomorrow!